Stories of Impact

Getting Outside Your Comfort Zone

“You know, it’s possible to come and go to worship services and still not know a soul in your church. Getting involved and serving is where you truly deepen relationships and get to know others.

There’s something powerful and transformative about getting out of your comfort zone and letting God work in you. That’s been especially true as I’ve become involved with the Begin Now Ministry through Love INC of the Cedar Valley (Love In the Name of Christ). Love INC is a network of churches across many denominations, and the Begin Now program brings people together and builds them up holistically.

I have a heart for people in poverty, and Love INC allows me to meet, encourage and see God at work in their lives.

We all have inherent value and an ability to live out our God-given potential, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be a blessing in my community. If you are looking for God to do amazing things to–and through–you, I would encourage you to get involved with Love INC.”